After a long hiatus, ICP returns with an article on a key historical and philosophical figure. Often times, the theoretical intersects with the biographical. One such figure with an emblazoned imprimatur on Indic Logic was a studious Buddhist stalwart. Indeed, … Read the rest
Indic Decision-Making Under Uncertainty—4
Announcement: WAVES 2022 Video Conference
On Lokayata
Long time readers would remember our article on Charvaka and how Modern Hindus are in fact just that, despite their professing of Vedic orthodoxy. Ritualistic expression is not only conflated for spirituality, it has become the means through which Chaarvaakas … Read the rest
Literature: Buddhacharita
One of the most lucid backgrounds yet most occluded histories remains that of the Thathagatha. While orthodox Buddhist accounts and even rival Vedic Dharma’s Puraanas are clear that Siddhartha Gauthama, that is, The Buddha, was of Sooryavamsa Kshathriya background, modernists … Read the rest