The imagery of the Kurukshetra continues to be a powerful one in the mind of Bharatvasis. The gathering of great armies preparing to clash in the name of Dharma and Desha is one that is both captivating and cautionary. … Read the rest
Art & Architecture is an essential aspect of any civilization. The notion of cultured living itself brings to mind not only material standards but also artistic ones as well. What does a civilization hold dear? What is the nature … Read the rest
It is often asked whether there was a Traditional Dharmic Military Science. After all, in an era where “Might makes Right” and “Victory is the only Morality”, how can a society, any society, hope to survive without its own Tradition … Read the rest
Indian Architecture has been the subject of much discussion and debate. Often times, rootless people have a tendency to downplay the native tradition and place emphasis on theorised “foreign contributions” to the Indic Canon. The reality, however, is that there … Read the rest