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N.R.I.pathiSeptember 30, 2024UncategorizedIntroduction Himachal is an heroic region of brave warriors and beautiful women—“striking like the sun” (as per one foreign history). For many an age, they have populated the mountainous “land amidst snow” (Hima + chala) and defended it stoutly. However, as times change, so do circumstances and reputations. The people of Himachal have forgotten their … Continue reading History: Trigarta, that is Himachal → [...]
N.R.I.pathiAugust 30, 2024UncategorizedHistory itself is a contentious topic in India, what of dynastic claims and provincial histories? One such province that is pivotal today yet has its origins shrouded in mist is the beautiful agglomeration of hill districts that compose Jammu. Introduction Despite it serving as a political fulcrum of subcontinental politics today, Jammu has been historically … Continue reading History: Dvigarta, that is Jammu → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJuly 26, 2024UncategorizedTradition often finds itself adapting to Modern Times. Following our article on the Literary Nepali Tradition, which covered Pre-modern Literature, our next article covers Modernity. Modern Literature Modernos, or modernity, can mean many things to many people. Indeed, the contemporary period is in fact the Post-Modern period. Nevertheless, the roots of it lay in the … Continue reading Literature: Nepali Tradition 2 → [...]
N.R.I.pathiApril 30, 2024UncategorizedIn a recent article, we presented a History of Nepal from Legendary & Ancient times to the Medieval Era. However, understanding a people necessitates studying their literature. In this next article, we discuss the Literary Nepali Tradition. Introduction Often forgotten is the ancient place of Nepal, or more Puraanically, the Kiraatha desa within Bhaarathavarsha. Perhaps … Continue reading Literature: Nepali Tradition → [...]
N.R.I.pathiMarch 29, 2024UncategorizedIntroduction “A Jaataka is a story about a birth, and this collection of tales is about the repeated births—and deaths—of the Bodhisatta, the being destined to  become the present Buddha in his final life. Written in Paali, the language of the Theravaada Buddhist canon, the tales comprise one of the largest and oldest collections of … Continue reading Literature: The Jatakas → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJanuary 29, 2024UncategorizedHistory, as we remarked in our kickoff article on the Satavahana Dynasty, is simultaneously one of the most enlightening and contentious of topics. However, those dedicated to truth will not seek to weaponise it, but dispassionately study it to not only draw valid lessons from it, but to learn the real story of our origins … Continue reading History: Nepal — 1 → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJanuary 7, 2024UncategorizedThe Jain tradition is one of the 3 ancient streams of Indic civilization. Its contributions to dharmic society are notable and erudite. In a previous article, we discussed the informative zoological tome known as Mriga Pakshi Sastra. Today’s Post discusses the veritably encyclopedic work known as Nisitha Curni. Background Jina Dharma has produced more than … Continue reading Literature: Nisitha Curni → [...]
N.R.I.pathiDecember 26, 2023UncategorizedOften lost in the discussion of forts is the beauty of their surroundings or even in the interiors. An impressive geography, delightful artifice, and even colourful artwork can all add to the mystique of a construction known for battles and wars. Sri Lanka’s Sigiriya Fort is one such landmark. Indeed, in this land riven by … Continue reading Sigiriya Fort → [...]
N.R.I.pathiDecember 11, 2023UncategorizedThe Ancient Chronicles of Sri Lanka are the Deepavamsa and Mahavamsa respectively. Though blended with mythical origins, they are nevertheless, the most complete history from antiquity on the Sinhala people. While they are a distinct ethnic-nation, the Sinhalese have long acknowledged their connection to Indic Civilization, and are seen as fellow dharmics by many/most Hindus. … Continue reading Literature: Deepavamsa → [...]
N.R.I.pathiOctober 30, 2023UncategorizedAfter a long gap, we return to matters literary. Classical Indic Literature is often classed as the epitome of inspirational, heroic, and virtuous composition. Poetry, poesy, and poetics itself were not only systemised, but also subjected to the rigours of Sanskrit and Sanskritic composition. “The mahakavya (epic form) of literature with its themes based on … Continue reading Personalities: Kumaradasa → [...]
ShivohamSeptember 25, 2023UncategorizedFrom Antifragility to Integrality Note: Emphases within quotes are added by this author.  Section-1: The Roots of Fragility “Logically, the exact opposite of a “fragile” parcel would be a package [whose] contents would not just be unbreakable, but would benefit from shocks and a wide array of trauma…We gave the appellation “antifragile” to such a … Continue reading Indic Decision-Making Under Uncertainty—5 → [...]
N.R.I.pathiSeptember 9, 2023UncategorizedAfter Pharmacognosy/Pharmacology, it is only appropriate that we move on to Toxicology. While Dravya Guna studies and catalogues medical substances, Agada Tantra is the branch of Ayurveda dedicated towards cataloguing and neutralising poisons. Introduction In a dangerous world filled with fiendish creatures (not just the human variety!) and venomous  vermin (same goes!), it is imperative … Continue reading Classical Indic Medicine V: Agada Tantra → [...]
N.R.I.pathiAugust 29, 2023UncategorizedFollowing our article on Vrkshayurveda, it is only natural that we proceed to Dravya Guna. Dravya Guna is the study of materia medica or medicinal products— known today as pharmacology. Just as Silpa Sastra, Chitra Sastra, and Vaastu Sastra emerge from Sthapatya Veda, so to does Dravya Guna Saasthra emerge from Ayurveda. Introduction Materia Medica … Continue reading Classical Indic Medicine IV: Dravya Guna → [...]
N.R.I.pathiAugust 2, 2023UncategorizedIt has been many years since we touched on the topic of Ayurveda. There are a myriad roles and applications for this upaveda. It is so multi-faceted that we often forget that it goes beyond even the health of human beings. Vedic Dharma (and Sanatana Dharma by extension) value life in all its forms. Life … Continue reading Classical Indic Medicine III: Vrikshayurveda → [...]
AdminJuly 27, 2023UncategorizedThe Following Post was composed by respected scholar-danseuse Prakruti Prativadi. Discovering the cuisine of a land for oneself is much like solving a good mystery, every ingredient, dish and eating custom is a delicious clue. The cuisine of a land reveals much about her culture and the personality of her peoples; what they hold in … Continue reading The Vegetarian Karnataka Cuisine Primer → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJuly 1, 2023UncategorizedAn historical romance in Aakhyaayika form, the Harsacharita was written by Banabhatta, the court Poet of Harshvardhana from Sthanesvara (also called Svathanesvara and Thanesar). It is biopic poem on the rise of the famed Emperor of North India, as well as his family. “The story in the Harshacharita is, thus not a full biography. It … Continue reading Literature: Harsacharita → [...]
N.R.I.pathiApril 1, 2023UncategorizedAfter a long hiatus, ICP returns with an article on a key historical and philosophical figure. Often times, the theoretical intersects with the biographical. One such figure with an emblazoned imprimatur on Indic Logic was a studious Buddhist stalwart. Indeed, he made a name for himself by making an effort to separate the nettlesome Indian … Continue reading Personalities: Dignaga → [...]
ShivohamDecember 29, 2022UncategorizedRitamic Decision Policy “Scientists can predict the path of two billiard balls with precision, and the average behavior of two million gas particles. But what about the messy middle ground, where twenty or thirty components interact with one another in unexpected ways? … Complexity covers the untidy yet vibrant realm where so much of life … Continue reading Indic Decision-Making Under Uncertainty—4 → [...]
AdminDecember 22, 2022UncategorizedWAVES 2022 is here! WAVES stands for World Association for Vedic Studies. It hosts an annual international conference of scholars on Vedic studies. This year’s panel features a familiar face. Galaxy of Scholars @ WAVES 2022 Meet! pic.twitter.com/gHPaSy5IY5 — VEDIC WAVES (@VedicWaves) December 20, 2022 You know her from her periodic but educative articles on … Continue reading Announcement: WAVES 2022 Video Conference → [...]
N.R.I.pathiOctober 14, 2022UncategorizedLong time readers would remember our article on Charvaka and how Modern Hindus are in fact just that, despite their professing of Vedic orthodoxy. Ritualistic expression is not only conflated for spirituality, it has become the means through which Chaarvaakas (those of ‘sweet speech’) have hidden among the orthodox Sajjanas and even acharyas themselves. After … Continue reading On Lokayata → [...]
N.R.I.pathiSeptember 5, 2022UncategorizedOne of the most lucid backgrounds yet most occluded histories remains that of the Thathagatha. While orthodox Buddhist accounts and even rival Vedic Dharma’s Puraanas are clear that Siddhartha Gauthama, that is, The Buddha, was of Sooryavamsa Kshathriya background, modernists have attempted to appropriate him for their own purposes. The Sakyamuni was given his appellation … Continue reading Literature: Buddhacharita → [...]
N.R.I.pathiAugust 13, 2022UncategorizedThe Dhammapaadha is one of the best known works on the philosophy of The Buddha. More importantly, it clarifies and reifies many aspects of his essential teachings. In the rivalry between sampradhaayas, there is often a no-holds-barred effort to show another in a detrimental or even similar light. After all, if the other philosophy has … Continue reading Literature: Dhammapada → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJune 13, 2022UncategorizedIn a time of trial and tribulation, it is easy for one to turn to divination or inquiry amongst the stars. But those who make claim to wisdom and statecraft must be rooted in practical principles.   It is not enough to cite Dharma at the turn of every incident, or demand massive action on the … Continue reading Literature: Hitopadesa → [...]
N.R.I.pathiMarch 31, 2022UncategorizedThe topic of Zoology is one not much discussed in the context of Traditional Indic Knowledge systems. Though Ayurveda and by extension, Ashvaayurveda is discussed at great length, not much is commonly seen in the sphere of animal taxonomy, or taxidermy for that matter. Mrga Pakshi Saastra is the medieval tome composed by the Jain … Continue reading Literature: Mriga pakshi Shastra → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJanuary 28, 2022UncategorizedThe name of Mewar brings to mind heroism and desert valour. But the land of the Aravalli mountains was known for more than just its history or even aridity. To sustain any kingdom, indeed, any state or country, agriculture is required. “Mewar’s contribution to agriculture can best be understood through its water bodies, lakes and … Continue reading Literature: Vishvavallabha → [...]
N.R.I.pathiDecember 31, 2021UncategorizedThe Tarkabhaasha literally means an Exposition of Reasoning. It was composed by Keshava Mishra, and “is an elementary treatise on the Nyaya System“. [1, iv] One of the elegant aspects of the Classical Indic Tradition is the Pan-India nature of the contributions. Despite distinct local cultures, there is a connection to the original Saptha-Sindhu sired … Continue reading Literature: Tarkabhasa → [...]
ShivohamNovember 22, 2021UncategorizedIndic Decision Making Under Uncertainty—3: What Would Arjuna Do? Background Part—2 identified two divergent western streams of decision making and examined their strengths and limitations that are briefly summarized below: Memoryless (prediction-free) decisions based on tacit doing or ‘convex’ tinkering contextually harness uncertainty to become locally robust or locally antifragile to unseen contexts. We presented … Continue reading Indic Decision Making Under Uncertainty—3 → [...]
N.R.I.pathiSeptember 7, 2021UncategorizedReaders may recall our first article on Artisanry. Continuing our Series is the next installment which will evaluate Professions and Labour Organisation in more comprehensive detail. Introduction Understanding Aavesana means more than just studying the history. It means understanding implementation and even the political economy behind it. Many things today are over-analysed and many other … Continue reading Classical Indic Artisanry: Aavesana 2 → [...]
N.R.I.pathiAugust 1, 2021UncategorizedThe relations between Raja and Praja are even more important than those between Raja and Mantri and even Raja & Vamsa. Ministers are mere servants of the King and family members should be loyal to the rightful heir and ruler, but the leader ultimately governs for the benefit of the citizen. This next article in … Continue reading On Rajadharma 4 → [...]
N.R.I.pathiJune 30, 2021UncategorizedFor all the talk of decoloniality, one of the most colonised areas of the modern Indic mind is dimensionality. Specifically, Indic Weights & Measures have long been forgotten by the masses at large, and even most of our “intellectuals-yet-idiot”. While it is important to navigate the modern world, it is even more critical to remember … Continue reading Pauthavam — Indic Weights & Measures → [...]

News Aggregator

October 2024 News Links


  “Multi Talented Young Girl | Playing Flute”

“Yogi Vemana Versity Students Exhibits Their Fine Arts”

Senegal, the bastion of the region’s Francophonie, French is giving way to local language


 “Amaravati faces a renewed political assault”

“Naidu (@ncbn) inaugurates centralised kitchen in Tirumala”

“Delhi: Woman finds hidden cameras in rented home, landlord’s son held”

“Punjab Farmers Protest: Throwing Grains Over Low Crop Prices”

 “How India is spreading itself across the chip-making value chain”

“Will Indian Courts Tame Wikipedia?”

“GSTCouncil has significantly reduced…(GST) rate on cancer drugs “

 “India is planning to build a fleet of 40-50 “Bharat Small Reactors” to provide heat & power”

Railways Minister: “Holding talks with state govts, police to prevent train sabotage

“Women carried out a torch rally in Imphal valley earlier today over recent violence in the state”


 “How the Baloch Struggle Went Mainstream”

  “In Bangladesh…extremists have attacked 1,068 houses & businesses of minorities”

Potential Rise of a Radical Political Pariah in Bangladesh”

“How China Soured on Nepal”

“Who is Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Sri Lanka’s new Marxist president “


Japan parliament elects Shigeru Ishiba as the new prime minister

For global influence, China turns to fake news

 “Israel launches ground invasion into Southern Lebanon”

Lebanon says Israeli strikes kill 100 people


“More rivers spill banks in central European floods, death toll rises”

““Texas declares Venezuela-based gang a ‘terrorist group

12 people have been killed in coordinated attacks in violent Mexican city

NATO’s eastward march threatens Asian stability

Military juntas in 3 West African nations investigate a French journalist over jihadi analysis

In exile: how Jews became a perpetually persecuted people

Rwanda Struggles To Halt Spread Of Marburg Virus “

Scores Dead As Boat Capsizes in DR Congo “

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